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WEST Surfboards - News
jeremy flores


Dean Randazzo was the beach marshal at the QUIK PRO NYC, he got to watch the top 32 checking all the boards with the small conditions, these guys are always looking for an edge. Dean talk to Jeremy and at the HURLEY PRO at LOWERS, we had two freshies for Jeremy (CNC, shaped, & glassed in 36 hrs). Got say that walk was a trip, a good friend Dino Andino, was like "no worries Wayne, just walk up there" Jeremy was getting ready for his 3rd round heat, and left the shapes right in front of the hold top 32. I was watching his heat on his T. Patterson, and I look up and a whole cast of elite foundling the shapes ... nice feeling
Jeremy was super cool , check him out at www.jeremy-flores.com and in the QUIK PRO FRANCE starting Oct. 4th
This shapes :
WRD 5’10” x 18.06” x 2.125”
TOUR 5’11” x 17.94” x 2.125”

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